Sunday, October 2, 2022

Breaking News! Cheeto Guy Has Another Genius Idea


(*If you haven't read the recent "Cheeto Guy" post, click here to catch up.  You won't be sorry, I promise.)

So, here's an update to the Cheeto Guy post. Andrew has informed me that he wants to get this orange suit for his senior prom in two years. carries this suit in every color you can imagine. Incidentally, they also carry suits with the American flag, the Canadian Flag, and in a fabric featuring lovely pink flamingos. Just FYI. You can see all the fantastic suit designs here. (Note: this post is not sponsored by Kohl's, however, perhaps I should take a page from Cheeto Guy's play book and ask them. Look, a corporate sponsorship does not come to people who do not ask. Truth!) 

Back to Andrew's prom attire. This kiddo is cooking up big plans and his vision is far more grand than a mere $59.00 orange suit. You see, Andrew plans to have the Cheeto logo printed on the back. Classy, right?

So this revelation from Cheeto Guy leads me to these four thoughts:

  1. If anyone can pull off an orange Cheeto suit at the prom, it's Andrew. I mean, at this point an orange Cheeto suit is expected and practically required. 
  2. Any girl who will put up with this planned Cheeto Prom attire, is a treasure to be cherished. Fact!
  3. If his date wears a blue dress they could totally get away with it, since the school colors are orange and blue. 
  4. That thought conjures up this image... 

...I don't even know how to process that thought.  I just don't.

But I suspect that Andrew will have a few fantastic stories for his grandkids one day...complete with excellent photos to prove it all happened. So there's that! 

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